Woodthorpe Hall Wedding Shopping Trolley Bonfire
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Woodthorpe Hall Wedding Shopping Trolley Bonfire

We have seen some extraordinary things during our time as wedding photographers, funny, happy, sad moments, weird and wacky first dances, magicians, jugglers, animals of all shapes and sizes and all sorts of other things it wouldn't be polite to repeat but this one took us completely by surprise! It is fun to see something so different or unusual and the Woodthorpe Hall shopping trolley bonfire is no exception! The owner of the hall saves this treat for the start of the evening reception bringing the well-worn shopping trolley from behind a tree fully in flames to the surprise of the assembled guests! This also has the added benefit of providing some welcome warmth as the sun starts to set and the edge goes off the temperature as day turns slowly to dusk.

Woodthorpe Hall Wedding

Our first visit to Woodthorpe Hall and what a wonderful place we discovered. There must be so many buildings like this hidden away from the world. We have be photographing weddings for well over ten years now and are both from Sheffield so one might imagine we had seen all the wedding venues and hidden halls the city and surrounding area has to offer but as we keep getting asked to work at new, previously unseen venues this is clearly not the case. A magnificent venue that is usually booked up several years in advance, well worth a look if you are in the early stages of planning your big day.

Keywords: wedding reception (2), Woodthorpe Hall (13).